26 Jun 2016

Hate To Say I Told You So

Apparently, this blog was a load of old drivel, so let us revisit it.

1. Spend our money on priorities like the NHS.

Nigel Farage Backtracks On Leave's £350 Million For The NHS Pledge Hours After The Result

It seems highly likely that the majority of the excess money will be spent on priorities like
Rebalancing the economy
- Paying for all the stuff the EU paid for.

Maybe there'll be a fiver left for the NHS at the end of all that.

2. Take back control over our laws

Well, at least Nigel Farage will no longer have a job, since he's not an MP and has as much political relevance now as I do. Woo!
Meanwhile, Cameron "I will start Brexit immediately" has resigned, leaving the cleanup to his successors who look so pleased about it:
and the EU is trying to shove us out immediately because they are PISSED OFF.
So we may eventually take back control over our laws. Or not. A referendum isn't a mandate, nobody in power is in any rush to actually leave the EU and I will discuss the repercussions of doing so in another post.

3. Regain control over our borders

Tory Brexiter Daniel Hannan: Leave campaign never promised "radical decline" in immigration

EU referendum: No promise of immigration drop - Nigel Evans MP

EU Brexit referendum: France's Calais seeks border deal changes

Brexit result: Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness calls for border poll on united Ireland

Calais mayor wants French migrant camps moved to UK after Brexit vote


4. Take back control over security

This remains to be seen, but this is an interesting article:
Exclusive: Nato chief says UK staying in the EU is key to fighting terrorism

The UK terror threat level remains severe. There have been multiple civil disturbances over the weekend, largely from UK far right groups who wish to now immediately send every single immigrant, regardless of nationality, 'home'.

5. It's safer to vote Leave (see 4) and take back control (see 3) rather than keep sending our money (see 1) to an EU which is costing us more and overruling our law (see 2).


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