9 Jun 2014


I really HAVE finished level 2 now. Well, provided I pass, which I don't find out until 14th July. I'm not going to worry about that. THERE ARE RESITS.

My history exam was...fun. I got bitten on the hand by an insect on the Sunday, woke up very early Monday with a septic trail to my elbow and spent the day being prodded by a doctor, sleeping, taking head-fuzzing medicine, and then panicking about the exam. The exam, on Tuesday morning, was full of questions I didn't know the answer to. But I did my best, despite illness and hand-cramp.

The problem with doing two exams, two days apart, is that I didn't want to then go home and revise biology. So I didn't. I had an afternoon off. The afternoon stretched into the next afternoon.
Then I panicked and started reading through the notes, the books, everything. I spent the following morning panic-revising the essay question, and was just going through the practice questions in the text books when there was a sonic boom which scared the living crap out of the whole city and totally removed any ability I had left to cram.
I actually, and perversely, enjoyed doing a science exam. It made a nice change from endless three-hour, three-essay exams. The only thing I'd do differently (if I have a resit, which could happen), is to do the data handling question last. I realised, as I shaded in my beautiful bar chart, that I really didn't want to then sit and write a thousand word essay on sleep. I wanted to go and gad about in the sunshine, I was idly thinking about some gossip, I was not in exam-mode anymore. So, yes, a valuable lesson.

There is nothing more satisfying than putting away books and revision notes, but I do feel slightly lost now. However, I've signed up for various MOOCs and I'm getting married in eight and a half weeks, so there's that!

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